Saturday, July 27, 2024

Daily Scripture - Jul 28

Annual Bible Reading Plan:

"40 Days Prayer for building of the church"
Day 7:
(Isaiah 43:18-21)
18 “Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.
20 The beast of the field will honor Me,
The jackals and the ostriches,
Because I give waters in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert,
To give drink to My people, My chosen.
21 This people I have formed for Myself;
They shall declare My praise.

Let us pray together:
Lord Jesus, You are a God who is constantly moving forward and doing new things! We believe and look forward to You doing new things at this year's Labor Day Conference. Therefore, we boldly come before You, praying that You will not miss anyone who comes before You. Through this gathering, let there be water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, and may all dryness and weakness in our lives be renewed, so that we may proclaim Your goodness! We also ask that You make a new way in our lives, so that Your will may flow freely in our personal lives, families, and churches without hindrance.
We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

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