Sunday, August 25, 2024

Daily Scripture - Aug 26

Annual Bible Reading Plan:

"40 Days Prayer for building of the church"
Day 36:

(Ezekiel 43:5-7)
5 The Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court; and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the temple. 6 While the man was standing beside me, I heard one speaking to me out of the temple, 7 and he said to me: 'Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the people of Israel forever...12 This is the law of the temple: the whole territory on the top of the mountain all around shall be most holy. Behold, this is the law of the temple.

LDC Prayer Request: May the glory of the Lord fill the house of God—our church

Let us pray together: Dear Lord, we are the people of Zion, longing for Your presence among us and desiring Your reign in our midst! Lord, we ask You to establish Your throne in our church and dwell among us forever! May You fill Your house with glory, be our light in the darkness, and let us be enlightened, healed, and built up in Your glory. May all of Silicon Valley come near to Your light! We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

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